10/8~10/22 Cold Dew(寒露 Han Lu)


    As Cold Dew starts today, you’ll be able to feel even more of a temperature drop as it marks the turning point from cool to cold. Thus, staying warm is even more important, so dress accordingly to the weather (time for all those Fall/Winter outfits of mix and match between trench coats, scarves, boots..etc.) and stay hydrated for the air is still quite dry. 

How to Maintain -- Warming the Intestines 

As the temperature becomes cooler and the air is still quite dry, it’s important to keep the abdominal area warm while drinking enough water to stay hydrated. By doing so, this can keep the intestines lubricated (reducing the chance of constipation) and prevent one from catching the cold Qi (through the belly button), causing symptoms such as acute abdomen pain and diarrhea. 


The Large Intestine Meridian compliments with the Lung Meridian. Taking care of one equals taking care of both organs. The Large Intestine meridian starts from the tip of the index finger and runs on the side between the first and second metacarpal bones. It then goes along the lateral side of the forearm and the anterior side of the upper arm until it reaches the shoulder peak. From there, it splits into two branches where one goes internally towards the lungs and through the diaphragm while the other one travels upwards, passing through the neck and cheek, then into the lower jaw to the teeth and gums. Finally it goes out of the two corners of the mouth and goes around the lips, up to the side of the nose. 

Massaging the Large Intestine Meridian promotes the Qi and Blood circulation as well as improving symptoms of constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal issues. Since this meridian passes through the shoulders, the oral cavity and the nose, it can also help relieve outer arm and shoulder pain, as well as toothaches, runny nose, and nosebleeds. The time when the Large Intestine Meridian is at its peak is between 5~7AM, therefore, massaging during this time-frame may double the effectiveness. 


With the air being dry, many people may experience skin dryness or itchiness. Replenishing the body with good quality protein and collagen allows the skin to strengthen our body’s natural external barrier. Tofu, eggs, edamame, dairy, fungi, seafood, along with lean meat are all good choices. 

For tea, one can combine jujube, hawthorn fruit and goji berry (with a small amount of honey to increase the taste if you like). Nuts milk (almond, walnut, etc) is also a good option. 

Continue to avoid overly spicy, salty, and greasy foods as well as cold foods during this season. 

**Simple Cooking - Lotus Root with Pork Chop Soup**

For this solar term, we’ve prepared a very warming and delicious soup recipe~ 


  • lotus roots (depending on the size of it. may come in one or two segments)

  • pork chops (for vegetarian, can replace with firm tofu)

  • raw cashews

  • goji berry

  • rice wine

  • salt

  • drinking water


  • Clean and scrub clean the lotus root

  • Cut the lotus root into (at least) 1cm thick slices

  • Rinse a small handful of goji berries and cashews 

  • Cook the pork chops in hot water for a few minutes to get rid of the blood and excess grease. 

  • Rinse the boiled pork chops with clean water (this washes off and prevents having excess fats and impurities in the soup later). 

    • for vegetarian, cut the firm tofu into slices or cubes (up to your preference)

  • Place the lotus slices, pork chops, and cashews into the pot and add enough water to cover all the ingredients 

  • Once the soup comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low

  • Add salt and a small amount of rice wine (based on your own taste) 

  • Before turning off the heat, add the handful of goji 

  • Keep the lid closed for 20~30 minutes before enjoying


Do you feel melancholy or more low-spirited during Autumn? Based on the Five Elements Principle, Metal insults Wood (Metal reflects the Lung while Wood reflects the Liver). When the Liver Qi is being suppressed, one can feel unhappy or restless. 
How do we adjust the Lung Qi and release Liver Qi? Aside from proper diet and exercise, the easiest method is to breathe. We can relax the muscles and fascia as well as relieve stress by breathing properly. The most commonly known breathing technique is the diaphragmatic breathing (also known as “abdominal breathing” or “belly breathing”). By expanding and contracting the diaphragm, it allows more air into the lungs. This provides the body with sufficient oxygen and let’s us not be as tired or fatigued.

Essential Oil Blend --  Hand Yang Min Large Intestine Meridian 

  • Roman Chamomile  (2 drops)

  • Rosemary ct cineol (3 drops)

  • Matic (5 drops)

  • Clementine (8 drops)

  • Clove Basil (3 drops) 

  • Basil  (10 drops)

  • Cold-pressed Sesame Oil (30ml)

  • Sea Buckthorn (1 drop)

Besides applying this blend along the Large Intestine meridian for massages, can also apply some around the belly button and massage in a circular motion going outwards. 

Liz recommends two blends from doTERRA as well. Citrus Bliss and Citrus Bloom which are great for uplifting the mood when diffused and great for massaging the abdomen area as well as along the Large Intestine Meridian when blended with base oil.

As it gets colder, the leaves start to change colors, enjoy the Autumn colors. Though there may be things that are upsetting you, make sure to take a deep breathe and choose to not have the negativity linger for too long. Time for some warm, hearty soups! ^^


Once again I would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Cold Dew (Han Lu) and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period. 

The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S. **************************************************************************






節氣食譜 -- 蓮藕排骨湯








  • 依照大小不同可準備一至兩節的蓮藕洗淨切片,厚薄適中;枸杞一小搓和腰果一小碗洗淨備用(板豆腐一盒切塊)

  • 將切好的排骨放入滾水中川燙,記得將川燙好的排骨洗乾淨,這樣可以避免過多雜質出現在湯裡

  • 以上材料準備好後放入湯鍋中加適量清水燉煮,待湯滾後將火轉小,放入鹽和少量米酒調味,鹹淡可以照個人喜好調整

  • 最後放入枸杞後關火,蓋上鍋蓋悶20~30分鐘,香甜可口的蓮藕排骨湯就可以上桌了





  • 羅馬洋甘菊 (2 滴)

  • 桉油醇迷迭香 (3 滴)

  • 熏陸香 (5 滴)

  • 紅橘 (8 滴)

  • 丁香羅勒 (3 滴)

  • 甜羅勒 (10 滴)

  • 冷壓芝麻油 (30ml)

  • 沙棘油  (1滴)



       大腸經與肺經互為表裡,因此保養大腸經同時也是再養護肺經。按摩大腸經可以促進氣血循環,同時改善便祕或腹瀉等腸道問題,也可以幫助緩解手臂外側及肩頸部的疼痛。 此外,大腸經氣血最旺盛的時間為早上五點到七點,在此時進行按摩會有事半功倍的效果喔。




