12/21 ~ 1/4 Winter Solstice(冬至 Dong Zhi)


Counting down to Christmas…only 4 days away! How exciting! ^O^ 

What will everyone be doing for Christmas this year? Wearing matching outfits? Opening presents? Watching Christmas movies? :D 

Today being the start of a new solar term - Winter Solstice, it happens to also be the First Day of Winter on the Gregorian calendar. 

There’s an ancient saying of “Winter Solstice is as big of a holiday as New Year”. On this day, it has the shortest day and the longest night in the northern hemisphere. The temperature is not yet at its lowest yet prior to the Winter Solstice, and it will be getting colder after this solar term. The daytime will start to slowly extend and the Yang energy will begin to rise as well. 

How to Maintain -- Foot Bath

The birth of Yang energy starts from the Winter Solstice, therefore it’s important to protect it because it’s at the “newborn” stage. Keeping the body warm and covering the head, neck and waist are things to consider doing during this time. Keeping the feet warm is just as important because they are the furthest away from the heart. 

There are many benefits to foot baths because there are many important acupressure points on the feet and can indirectly strengthen all the organs based on foot reflexology.  Also, it promotes better blood and qi circulation of the lower body, as well as better sleep at night. 


In many areas, Winter Solstice is considered a major holiday (known as “small new year”), so eating dumplings and rice dumplings (sweet or savory kinds) are popular ways to celebrate this day. 

Overall, it’s good to continue eating warm property foods and those of the season that are nourishing to the body. While doing so, keep in mind to not overeat in order to not put too much burden on the body at this time. 

**Simple Cooking -- Glutinous Rice Balls**


  • 130g glutinous rice flour
  • 170g tapioca flour
  • a bowl of cold water 


  1. Mix together the two kinds of flour in a mixing bowl and take out 60g for later use.
  2. Slowly add cold water as you knead the dough.
  3. Once the dough has a shiny surface and not sticking to the hand, it’s ready (if the dough is too sticky, can add a bit more of the flour mix. Add more cold water if too dry). 
  4. Sprinkle some flour mix onto the flat surface and place the dough on top. 
  5. Roll the dough into a long strip and cut into equal-sized pieces
  6. Roll each piece into round balls. Sprinkle some flour onto the rolled out glutinous balls to avoid sticking)
  7. Prepare a pot of water, boil it, add the small glutinous rice balls, wait for them to rise to the surface of the water, cover the pot and wait for 5 minutes.
  8. The small glutinous rice balls that can’t be eaten can be frozen in the refrigerator and taken out when you want to eat them. 


  • This recipe is for small glutinous rice balls without fillings. It is recommended to add colored powders such as green tea powder or use fresh juice to dye the glutinous rice balls when making the dough to make them more vibrant. 
  • If you like glutinous rice balls with fillings, you can pack your favorite fillings, such as red bean paste, peanut butter or meat fillings, into the dough.
  • Soup for glutinous rice balls: brown sugar, ginger, fermented rice and eggs can be added to the sweet soup; salty soup can be seasoned with chopped green onions, shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables, pepper and salt.
  • People with poor digestive function need to eat less glutinous rice balls.



This time period is all about resting and storing up energy. Therefore, it’s important to allow the body to rest, slow down a bit and get enough sleep. *of course, this doesn’t mean being a couch potato all day lol). 

Light exercises and massaging the whole body to promote good circulation are things to incorporate into your routine during this season. 

Even if it may not seem very cold, it’s still important to keep the body warm and be wearing enough. Keeping the head, neck area covered prevents the cold wind from getting into the body (which can lead to higher chance of catching a cold). 

As mentioned under “How to Maintain”, foot baths are highly recommended during this time period. It’s simple to do yet super beneficial! Plus, you can switch up the “foot bath recipe” everytime. 

Essential Oil Blend -- Warming Blend for Foot Bath

  • Rose hydrosol (50ml)
  • Geranium (45 drops)
  • Ginger (10 drops)
  • Cinnamon leaf  (10 drops)
  • Clove (10 drops)
  • Pimento berry (10 drops)
  • Red Mandarin (25 drops)
  • Emulsifier (1ml)

*Can just mix without emulsifier and add to hot water and a scoop of epsom salt

How to use: 

  1. Add water to ⅔ of the calf 
  2. Keep the water temperature around 45~50 degrees (to the extent that you can stand)
  3. Pour 5ml of the blend into the hot water
  4. Soak feet for 15 minutes


  • Try not to soak over 20 minutes
  • Try not to have the water temperature be too hot. Instead, you can continuously add hot water into the bucket. 
  • Have a clean towel ready to dry off the feet after the time is up to avoid catching a cold after the soak. 
  • It’s good to drink a cup of warm water prior to soaking to prevent dehydration as well as promote metabolism
  • Best avoid soaking 30minutes before or after eating. Doing so may affect the digestion and absorption in the stomach. 
  • If feeling any discomfort during the process, stop immediately
  • Children under 12 years old have strong Kidney Yang energy, therefore do not need to do foot baths
  • May not be suitable during pregnancy or those with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or open wounds on feet. 


Once again I would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Winter Solstice(Dong Zhi) and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period. 

The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S. ***************************************************************************








糯米粉 130克
樹薯粉 170克
冷開水 適量

  1. 將糯米粉與樹薯粉入攪拌容器中拌勻,取出約60克混合粉保留備用
  2. 慢慢加入冷開水攪拌、後用手揉捏麵團至表面呈現光滑不黏手(若麵糰太黏可多加粉,太乾則加水)
  3. 取適量混和粉撒在任意平面,放上麵糰並搓揉為長條狀,切分成等量大小搓圓(在搓好的小湯圓上再撒上粉,避免沾黏)
  4. 準備一鍋水,煮開後加入小湯圓,等小湯圓浮上水面後,蓋上鍋蓋悶約5分鐘即可
  5. 吃不完的小湯圓可放入冰箱冷凍,要煮時再拿出來








  1. 泡腳時熱水溫度以攝氏38度至攝氏40度為佳,以及個人耐受度為主
  2. 泡腳時間約10至15分鐘即可;溫度太高、太低或是時間太長對身體都沒有幫助
  3. 足浴的容器以木桶、陶瓷盆或一般足浴機,不要使用金屬容器
  4. 空腹或是飯後2小時內切勿進行足浴
  5. 若出汗要立即擦乾,避免著涼
  6. 可用艾草、紅花、橘皮放入紗袋中浸入足浴盆,亦可單用或只用熱水。另外推薦一款精油配方也可在泡腳時使用。



大馬士革玫瑰純露 (50ml)
波旁天竺葵 (45 滴)
薑 (10 滴)
肉桂葉 (10 滴)
丁香花苞 (10 滴)
多香果 (10 滴)
紅橘 (25 滴)
乳化劑 (1ml)




