8/23 ~ 9/6 The Limit of Heat (處暑 Chu Shu)


As we come to the second solar term of Autumn, the Canicular days has come to an end, which means the heat is lessening and it will start to become cooler. 

For this solar term, we’ve decided to go a bit creative with the illustration to not only demonstrate the cooler temperature through the character’s outfit but to also incorporate the Chinese Valentine’s Day that’s based on the lunar calendar and is on 8/14 this year. 

How to Maintain -- Strengthen the Pericardium Meridian 

The Pericardium is a thin, double-walled membrane wrapping around the Heart, protecting it from pathogenic attacks. Like the Heart, the Pericardium governs Blood and houses the Mind. By massaging along the Pericardium Meridian, it can invigorate or cool Blood while stimulating or calming the Mind. The Pericardium is related to the Liver as both Meridians being the Terminal-Yin (Jue Yin) channels. Therefore, by taking good care of the Pericardium during the Autumn, the Liver will be nourished and allow it to function well when Spring comes around. 

Overall, strengthening the Pericardium Meridian allows the body to have good circulation of Qi and Blood and stabilizes the mental-emotional state (lifts mood, treats depression, calms the mind). 


The Pericardium channel originates from the chest and enters the pericardium. It then descends through the diaphragm to the abdomen to communicate with the Triple Burner. A branch from the centre of the chest emerges laterally from the nipple to run along the superficial channel to the axilla and down the medial aspect of the arm to end at the medial side of the middle finger. 

Acupressure point PC 6 (Nei Guan - Inner Gate) is a very important point for it has a great number of functions. 

  • moves Qi and Blood in the chest- a good point to stimulate if experiencing any discomfort or pain of the chest. 

  • calms the Mind - feeling overwhelmed, anxious, busy mind, depression, insomnia, etc. 

  • harmonizes the Stomach - nausea, vomiting, hiccup, stomach discomfort in general. 


During Autumn, the air is drier so it is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables that are high in water content. Drink plenty of fluids as well to help reduce the discomfort caused by the changes in the weather during this season. For example: eggplant, sesame, yam, lentils, sponge gourd, cucumber, celery, water chestnut, tomato, taro, white radish, pear, sugar cane, orange, persimmon, pineapple, etc.

As for drinks, some recommendations include: longan with red date tea, lily with white fungus soup, honey water, etc. 

It is recommended to avoid spicy, greasy, and cold foods during this period. 

**Simple Cooking -- Tomato Noodle Soup**

Ingredients (1 serving):

2 tomatoes

vegetables and protein of your personal liking and amount

one bundle of noodles


cooking coil


black pepper


  • Soup Base:
    • Remove the stem of the tomatoes and boil them in hot water for a few minutes to easily remove the skin.
    • Cook the tomatoes in a large pot with a little bit of cooking oil until slightly soft and the aroma of the tomatoes comes out.
    • Add 600ml of water or broth (any kind of bone broth of your choice) into the pot and cook until boil. *if use broth, then don't have to add any salt/other condiments.
  • Toppings:
    • Wash the vegetables and cut into desired size. Can put into soup base to cook.
    • Meats/Seafood can be cooked in the soup base pot as well. If have large chunks of meat, would recommend to cook in a separate pot.
    • Yu-Wei's personal favorite: mushrooms, bok choy, sweet corn, and cha-shu pork or thinly sliced pork/ beef (the ones used for hot pots).
  • Noodles: prepare a separate pot, filled with water and cook until boil. Put in the desired amount of noodles. Once the noodles are cooked, pour through a strainer and put the noodles into a bowl. 
    *if you're cooking noodles to save for later, best to add some vegetable oil (of your choice) and mix evenly to prevent the noodles from clumping together. 
  • Add on the toppings of your desire and a few scoops of the soup base...enjoy! 


Autumn is a good time to start nurturing and collecting Qi. The best way to do so is having good quality sleep (11pm is when the body starts to replenish and collect Qi and Blood, so it is preferable to be in bed before that time). It is also beneficial to take a 30~45 minute nap in the afternoon. 

The weather and temperature change drastically during Autumn, therefore it is important to be mindful of your clothing choices and to dress in layers to counteract weather changes and avoid catching a cold or getting heatstroke. 

It is important to continue to keep the body active by performing moderate exercises throughout the week. Some movement is better than no movement, so even if you’re just performing some stretches, they are still a good way to stimulate the whole body. 

Essential Oil Blend --  Hand Jue Yin Pericardium Meridian 

  • Rose  (3 drops)

  • Sandalwood  (2 drops)

  • Mandarin Petitgrain (3 drops)

  • Lime  (10 drops)

  • Bergamot  (10 drops)

  • Melissa  (1 drop)

  • Cold-pressed sesame oil  (30ml)

  • Sea buckthorn oil (1 drop)

Apply the blend along the Pericardium Meridian and then massage with your hand or with a massage tool for 3 minutes. 

The Pericardium Meridian is the most active from 7~9pm, therefore it is suggested to massage during this time frame. 

Simply using any type of floral essential oils can uplift mood and calm the mind~

During this new solar term, let's take good care of our heart's defense wall--the pericardium, so we can maintain a calm mind and good circulation of Qi and Blood.


Once again I would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Chu Shu and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period. 

The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S.









牛番茄  2顆

蔬菜  適量

肉類  適量

麵條  一把




  • 湯底:牛番茄去除蒂頭用熱水川燙除去表皮,再將去除外皮後的番茄下油鍋炒香,待番茄香味出來後加入600毫升左右的清水或是高湯煮滾當成湯底備用(加入高湯好處是可不用另外調味)。

  • 備料:將蔬菜清洗,切成適當大小後,放入番茄湯內一起煮;肉類除火鍋肉片以外建議另行烹煮。一般我會使用蘑菇、青江菜和甜玉米粒,肉類則是用叉燒肉或是火鍋肉片,供大家參考;大家可依個人喜好改變蔬菜以及肉的種類。

  • 煮麵:準備一鍋水,水燒開後加入麵條,麵條煮好後立刻撈起瀝乾放入麵碗中,加入煮好的菜、肉以及湯底,進行最後的調味即可享用香噴噴的番茄湯麵囉(如果沒有要立刻食用麵條,可加入少許食用油拌勻防止麵條沾黏結塊)!




夏秋之交的冷热变化, 加上秋燥, 會需要一段時間適應, 也比較容易心神不定, 引發呼吸道、腸胃炎、感冒等。 

心包是保護心臟的第一防線。 同時, 它也有如心主血脈、神志的功能本經主要治療心、胸、胃、神志病證。這個時段強健心包經有助於安神、加強心、肺、腸胃的功能。 另外, 心包和肝都是厥陰經, 所以在秋季保養好心包, 使得每晚有好的睡眠可以滋養到肝。 






  • 大馬士革玫瑰 (3 滴)

  • 印度檀香 (2 滴)

  • 桔葉 (3 滴)

  • 冷壓萊姆 (10 滴)

  • 佛手柑 (10 滴)

  • 香蜂草 (1 滴)

  • 冷壓芝麻油  (30ml)

  • 沙棘油 (1 滴)

沿著心包經塗上精油後開始按摩三分鐘。 按摩心包經主管的時段為晚上7~9 點, 不只是可以幫助睡眠, 還有助消化才吃完的晚餐哦~ 




