Welcome to the last solar term of summer....and the hottest period of the year! Therefore it is imperative to stay hydrated during this time.
Yesterday started the second phase of the Canicular Days (San Fu). We have posted a separate article about it under our 'Special Edition' section -- Moxibustion
How to Maintain -- Sweating to Get Rid of Heat
During summer, it is beneficial to allow the body to sweat in order to get rid of heat from the body. This is why we have been suggesting performing moderate exercises during summer to allow the body to perspire and improve circulation. However, do keep in mind that after exercising, try to avoid: consuming cold drinks right away, taking a cold shower, or stepping into an air conditioned room (that’s of low temperature). This will be too much of a shock to the body as the blood vessels quickly constrict which can increase the risk of a mild stroke.
Continue to eat light. So try to avoid spicy, greasy, and cold food or drinks (ex. food right out of the fridge). There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that are great for clearing heat and nourishing Yin including but not limited to: bean sprouts, seaweed, tomato, winter melon, pumpkin, cucumber, sponge gourd, dried lily, Chinese yam, etc.
Brown sugar, ginger, and honey with bitter melon
Mix and match herbs such as: Poria (China root, Wolfiporia extensa), lotus leaf, dang shen (pilose asiabell root), maimendong (Ophiopogon japonicus), Magnolia berry (five-flavor fruit), hawthorn, Japanese honeysuckle (lonicera japonica), heal-all (prunella vulgaris, self-heal).
- Add 1 teaspoon of salt into 300ml of water. Put the clams into the water to allow the clams to spit out the sand for 1 hour. Then rinse the clams with clean water.
- Cut the ginger into thin strips, peel the loofah and cut into pieces for later use.
- Heat the pan, add a little bit of cooking oil, add the loofah, and stir fry a little. After the loofah is slightly transparent, add 1 cup of water about 250~300ml (if you want to make a soup, add more water), and then add the clams.
- Cover the pot to let simmer until the clams are all opened. Try a bit for taste (the clams already have a salty taste, if you feel that it is not salty enough, you can add some salt).
- Turn off the stove and add shredded ginger and goji berries. Slightly mix it and it's ready to serve.
The temperature has been high and may even be on the rise so the first thing that comes to mind may be to take a cold shower or to drink a cup of ice water. Even though a quick drink of cold water would feel refreshing and a cold shower is perceived as the quickest way to cool the body down, it may actually cause more damage than good, contrary to common perception. It is recommended to not get into the habit of drinking cold beverages or to take cold showers to avoid damaging the Yang and accumulating cold in the body.
Performing exercises to allow the body to sweat is good but make sure to dry up afterwards and stay hydrated to prevent heat stroke. When staying in an air conditioned room, try to avoid being directly under the ventilation and it is best to have the neck and shoulder area covered with a light scarf or towel to prevent neck and shoulder pain.
Overall, it is good to continue massaging the different meridians mentioned in the past posts, take naps, and to avoid staying up too late.
Aromatherapy Techniques
All of the blends introduced during the summer time can continue to be used during the period of Da Shu to carry on with nourishing the body and preparing it for autumn while Yin energy continues to extend.
Use the Stomach Meridian blend or any warm property essential oils/blends to massage the abdomen area. Stimulate ST 25 and REN 4 to keep the area warm and promote gastrointestinal motility.
Foot soak at least once a week using warm property essential oils/blends to promote sweating and eliminating cold from the body. Drink warm water after the foot soaks.
Use the Spleen Meridian blend to massage and stimulate the Spleen Meridian to replenish Qi and eliminate edema (water retention in the body).
Use the Heart Meridian blend throughout the day (afternoon and before sleep) to calm the heart, mind, and spirit.
Use the Small Intestine blend to keep good circulation around the shoulder and neck area which can help prevent having frozen shoulders.
Spend more time outdoors more during the summer time. It’s good to take precaution by using natural insect repellents to prevent getting unnecessary bug bites.
Simple insect repellent blend:
Lavender (15 drops)
Geranium (4 drops)
Mint (6 drops)
Mogwhort (3 drops)
Lemongrass (2 drops)
doTERRA’s TerraShield blend is great and it comes in a spray bottle.
Single oils such as Tea Tree works well too.
*some essential oils to mix and match for massages or foot soaks are: ginger, cinnamon bark, lavender, clove, geranium, wild orange, tangerine, etc. I personally like to use doTERRA’s On Guard.
Once again I would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Da Shu.
The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S.
終於進入了夏季的最後一個節氣-大暑!大家都感受到了這一波波了熱浪了嗎?在小暑篇我們有大略提到過關於夏天溫度最高的三伏天(2021年的三伏天為初伏7月11日、中伏7月21日以及末伏8月10日),也是天地及人體的陽氣達到巔峰的時期,傳統中醫會在這段期間利用艾灸或是辛熱類中藥對於特定穴位進行刺激,充實人體內陽氣和正氣,將人體裡日積月累的寒邪之氣排出,以達到「冬病夏治」的目的。昨天開始了三伏天的【中伏】, 各位可以去參考我們介紹有關艾灸和三伏天的特別篇~
絲瓜 1條
蛤蠣 10-15顆
薑 1小塊
枸杞 15顆
鹽巴 適量
夏天在戶外的活動會比較多, 所以要做好防蚊蟲的準備。
薰衣草 (15滴)
天竺葵 (4滴)
薄荷 (6滴)
艾草 (3滴)
檸檬草 (2滴)
我個人喜歡用多特瑞的【天然防護複方】TerraShield 。 我都會帶著噴瓶版的出門。
單方的茶樹精油也非常好用哦! *如果真的被蚊蟲叮咬了, 它也有不錯的止癢效果哦~
在這裡也推薦一些大家可以拿來搭配用來泡腳的單方精油:姜, 肉桂, 薰衣草, 丁香, 天竺葵, 橘子, 等。 我個人很喜歡用多特瑞的【保衛複方精油】On Guard。
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