Not sure where everyone is located, but here in California, it’s definitely feeling a lot like summer~~~ *and based on the lunar calendar, today is the start of summer!
Welcome to the Beginning of Summer - Li Xia! With the temperature on the rise, the flow of Qi and Blood are moving towards the surface, less will remain in the organs. This means that during summer, there may be less of an appetite and a smaller food intake, which is also putting less toll on the stomach. Therefore, with the start of summer, it is a good time to take care of the stomach. At the same time, while it's not that hot but with the Yang energy on the rise, can go outdoors to get some sunlight as well as do some light exercises to promote blood circulation. Do keep in mind that it's important to stay hydrated at all times, especially after exercising.
How to Maintain -- Warming the Stomach Meridian
The Stomach Meridian starts from the side of the nose and runs all the way down to the second toe.
During this time period, it is good to massage along the stomach meridian (can either use a guasha tool or just your hands ^^).
Abdomen Massage:
apply the blend on the abdomen and massage clockwise for 3 minutes.
use an empty fist and tap on ST 25 (2 inches lateral of the belly button) for 3 minutes.
Perform Diaphragmatic (belly) breathing and can place a heat pack on REN 4 (3 inches below the belly button) for 3 minutes
Drink a cup of warm water (150 ml)
Massage along the Stomach Meridian from ST31 ~ ST44 (between the second and third toe). |
Yes...I know it’s getting’s satisfying to drink a cup of cold lemonade or eat two scoops of ice cream...BUT, too much cold food or drinks can deplete stomach energy. Therefore, it is best to limit the amount of cold food and drinks. Try not to eat too much at once or food that’s too heavy and greasy, for it will be putting too much pressure on the stomach.
Also, with the temperature on the can one's temper. That stuffiness and discomfort from the heat may cause you to be more irritated or unable to stay focused. Therefore, consume foods that are more light in flavor, more high in fiber, easy to digest, and in small amounts (ie. millet, corn, asparagus, tomato, eggplant, apple, winter melon, etc. Any of the seasonal fruits and vegetables are good choices).
Can combine herbs such as lotus leaf, lotus seed, white fungus, pear, dwarf lily-turf, goji berry for tea or put in soups.
**Simple Recipe -- Rainbow Veggies**
- 1 bundle of asparagus
- 1 cup of bell peppers (you can use a variety of different color ones)
- 6 mushrooms (can put more if desired)
- 2 cloves garlic
- a pinch of salt for taste
- Wash the asparagus, bell peppers, and mushrooms
- Trim off the older parts of the asparagus (can use a peeler) and cut into segments.
- Slice the bell peppers and mushrooms
- Mince the garlic
- Heat up the pan and cooking oil of your desire. Then put in the garlic to bring out its aroma.
- Followed by the mushrooms and then the asparagus. Cook for 3 minutes and then add in the bell peppers to cook for another minute.
Essential Oil Blend -- Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian
Sweet Fennel (7 drops)
Caraway Seed (5 drops)
Cardamon (3 drops)
Sand Ginger (10 drops)
Red Mandarin (10 drops)
Sea Buckthorn oil (1 drop)
Cold-pressed Sesame Oil (30 ml)
Can use this blend for the two massages mentioned above. Perform the abdomen massage twice a day (morning and night) and the leg to foot massage three times a week.
That sums up for the Beginning of Summer! Hope you all enjoyed it and find it beneficial. It's not that cold foods and beverages are being banned completely, but eat/drink them in moderation to not overwhelm the stomach. If you have been following the stomach massage from Grain Rain (Gu Yu), keep it up to continue to not only strengthen your stomach, but also get fit! If not, no worries, it's never too late to start! As long as you persist, making it a habit, part of your lifestyle, you'll be able to feel a difference and reap the benefits. ^^ Let's achieve better health and that bikini body for the summer~
I purchase the majority of my essential oils from doTERRA and I’ve also been trying my own blends that can be as effective. For the Stomach Meridian and any stomach or digestive related, I’ve found the DigestZen blend to be effective. Therefore, if you would like to save the trouble of mixing your own blend, or finding it hard to obtain some of the single oils, then you’re more than welcome to give DigestZen a try. To make it even easier, there’s the DigestZen Touch where it’s already mixed with base oil and in a roller! Feel free to check out the site: doTERRA
Once again would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for The Beginning of Summer (Li Xia) and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period.
The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S.
大家是否最近開始覺得天氣變熱了?有沒有想:才五月怎麼就那麼熱了 (那六七月還得了)? 其實我們已經正式進入夏季咯!
立夏的保養重點:養心助陽, 溫胃經
蘆筍 1把
甜椒 半顆
蘑菇 6顆
蒜頭 2辦
鹽 適量
夏天是適合讓腸胃休息的時候, 也是減肥最佳的季節 (因為夏天的炎熱會大量消耗身體的能量)喔~ 雖然天氣熱, 還是要保持喝溫開水和吃溫熱的食物, 並且在冰涼的食物和飲料上有所節制, 好減少對腸胃的負擔。 另外, 如此保養還可以減少秋冬季的腸胃問題喔!
足陽明胃經的體外循行: 鼻旁→目下→面周圍→缺盆→胸腹第二側線→下肢外側前緣→大趾→次趾→中趾。
可以用手或是刮痧板順著胃經, 從髀關穴開始一直按到內庭穴(足背第2~3趾間,趾蹼緣後方凹陷處。)
完畢後用腹式呼吸, 可熱敷關元穴3分鐘
精油配方 - 足陽明胃經
甜茴香 (7滴)
藏茴香 (5滴)
豆蔻 (3滴)
山奈根 (10滴)
紅橘 (10滴)
冷壓芝麻油 (30ml)
沙棘油 (1滴)
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