Grain Rain (Gu Yu) is the last solar term for Spring. There's an increase in rainfall during this time period, which promotes the growth of crops. At the same time, the temperature begins to rise therefore there's a more dramatic change of temperature from day to night. It's important to wear layers in order to be prepared and prevent catching a cold. There's also an increase in humidity, so preventing dampness into the body is something to pay attention to as well.
How to Maintain -- Warming and Slimming the Abdomen
Spring time is when the Yang energy rises which promotes better circulation in the body and new cell growth. Therefore, it's also the best time to slim down (especially after QinMing) and get rid of the excess adipose cells (aka. fat) from the body.
To lose weight, one should lose the excess around the waist first. To do so, it is important to keep the abdomen area warm.
Q: How to warm the abdomen area?
A: Drink warm water. Avoid sugary/cold drinks and alcohol. Place a heat pack on the abdomen area (below the belly button)
Another thing to keep in mind is that losing weight is not about being on an extreme diet or skipping meals. It's about eating the right foods to nourish the body, not to disturb the body's endocrine system (hormonal control) and its regular functions.
Massaging the whole abdomen area is also a good method to promote better circulation to the area (which keeps it warm), stimulate the organs (think of it as the organs getting an exercise session), and many more benefits.
Essential Oil Blend
- Clove (5 drops)
- Sage (5 drops)
- Dill (5 drops)
- Juniper Berry (8 drops)
- Eau de Cologne mint* (8 drops)
- Ginger (5 drops)
- Ylang Ylang (3 drops)
- Sesame Oil (30ml)
Can use this blend for the stomach massages.
1. Apply oil around the bellybutton. Place one hand on top of another and starting from the bellybutton, move clockwise and outwards. Massage for 5 minutes
2. Grab a hold of the skin on the two sides of the bellybutton and vibrate up and down for 3 minutes.
3. Grab a hold of the skin on the two sides of the bellybutton and squeeze in towards the direction of the bellybutton for 3 minutes.
*It is good to get a heat pack or warm towel to warm the abdomen after completing the massages. Also, drink a cup of warm water.
This period is when the Spleen is at its peak season, meaning it's the best to nourish it. Eating foods that can help remove dampness, loosen the body (bones and tendons), replenish Qi and Blood during this time is recommended; it allows the body to build a good foundation for the next season. Foods like Chinese yam, wheat, toon, red (azuki) beans, pearl barley, pumpkin and corn are great choices.
Herbal teas such as hawthorn with dried orange peels or astragalus with poria are good combinations to drink throughout the day.
Try to avoid foods: sweets, alcohol, bread, pastries (refined foods). These are more likely to create dampness in the body.
**Simple Cooking - Black Wood Ear Fungus with Chinese Yam**
500g fresh Chinese yam
35g dry black wood ear fungus
10g goji berry
1/4 teaspoon Corn starch
- Soak the dry black wood ear fungus in a bowl of water at least 10 minutes prior to preparing everything else. *if use dry goji berries, can soak a few minutes as well.
- Mix corn starch with 30 ml water
- Use a peeler to remove the skin of the Chinese yam and then cut into slices (recommend wearing gloves while handling the Chinese yam to avoid skin sensitivity if needed).
- Heat up the pot, add the drained black wood ear fungus to allow the excess water be burned off.
- Turn to high heat, add oil and Chinese yam to cook. Add salt to taste. and goji last.
- Turn to low heat and add in the mixed corn starch water (this adds more texture to the whole dish).
- Mix evenly and it's ready to be served.
Spring time is a great season to get fit. Besides from having routinely exercises and try to avoid the foods mentioned above in the diet section, it's also important to keep the abdomen area warm. That's the key to slim down the waist! Drinking warm water, putting heat pack along the abdomen area are great ways to achieve that.
Would like to use this opportunity to remind everyone that to shed off pounds in a healthy manner, it requires a balanced lifestyle, using methods that's customized to you that you can follow daily. Trying to do it the "quick way" by skipping meals or eating only single items will put too much of a toll on the body at once. This may be too much of a shock to the body that it'll decrease the body's immune system, making the body more likely to be attacked by the environment (like catching a cold).
Once again would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Grain Rain (Gu Yu) and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period.
The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S.
新鮮山藥 500克
乾木耳 35克
枸杞 10克
玉米粉 1/4茶匙
想要去除體內的濕氣,多做溫和的運動也有幫助。春天是很適合瘦身的季節, 尤其是在穀雨這段期間。 說到瘦身, 一般都會想到要瘦腹部。 要瘦腹部的訣竅就在於要保持腹部暖和。除了上面禁忌裡提到的食物, 平時要多喝溫開水, 也可以熱敷和做一些腹部按摩來暖腹和瘦身。在這裡要提醒各位, 瘦身要藉由適當的運動和飲食上的調整, 千萬不要要求快速減肥而去節食或是少吃一餐, 避免營養失調造成身體的負擔。這樣反而會使免疫系統功能下降, 更容易感冒生病。
丁香花苞 (5滴)
鼠尾草 (5滴)
蒔蘿 (5滴)
杜松漿果 (8滴)
檸檬薄荷 (8滴)
薑 (5滴)
完全依蘭 (3滴)
芝麻油 (30ml)
睡前和早上睡醒還躺在床上時, 將按摩油塗在腹部。 雙手重疊按在肚臍上, 順時針圍繞著肚臍(大面積地上到肋骨下方、下到肚臍下)打圈5 分鐘。
雙手捏起肚臍旁2寸的肚皮, 上下抖動3分鐘。
如上 (#2)將肚皮往肚臍的方向擠壓3分鐘。
完成以上三個步驟後, 熱敷關元穴(肚臍下3寸)並喝一杯溫開水。
*#2、3 主要是刺激到天樞穴。 也可以用別的方式(如:拇指按壓或是空拳敲打等)來按摩。
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