3/5 ~ 3/19 Awakening of Insects (驚蟄 Jing Zhe)


Now we’re into the month of March and have come to our third solar term of Spring. During this time period, besides

the rise in temperature, there will also be an increase in rain. It’s known that it’s the beginning of Spring Thunder

(which is what causes the awakening of insects, therefore the name of this solar term). The body may not be able to keep

up or adapt as quickly to the dramatic changes in temperature and moisture, causing discomfort such muscle soreness.

For those with respiratory system problems or allergies, will need to be extra careful as well. 

How to Maintain --  Gallbladder Cleanse 

The Gallbladder Meridian compliments with the Liver Meridian and are both of the Wood element that links with Spring


The Gallbladder Meridian starts from the outer corner of the eye and divides into two branches. One branch runs externally

and weaves back and forth at the lateral side of the head. After curving behind the ear, it reaches the top of the shoulder and

crosses the lateral side of the rib cage and abdomen, until it ends up at the side of the hip. The other branch enters the cheek

and runs internally downward, through the neck and chest to connect with the gallbladder. It continues moving downwards

and comes out in the lower abdomen, where it connects with the other branch at the hip. The hip branch then runs toward the

lateral side of the thigh and lower leg. After crossing the ankle, it goes over the foot to reach to the tip of the fourth toe.

Another small branch leaves the meridian and terminates at the big toe to connect with the Liver Meridian. 

Massaging the Gallbladder Meridian can help adjust and promote better Qi and Blood flow, as well promote gastrointestinal

motility and help liver and gallbladder detoxification, increasing the body’s immune system. There are also cosmetic effects

such as brightening the eyes and  facial complexion. 

Pregnant women, women during their menstrual periods, and infants and young children are not suitable for gallbladder massage.

In addition, it is not suitable to stimulate the gallbladder meridian at night and before going to bed to avoid getting too heated or



Nourishing the Stomach and Spleen and soothing the Liver Qi are key points to focus on when making adjustments on what to eat.

Overall, it’s important to have variety, good quality whole foods, and are easy to digest. Foods such as asparagus, garlic, leek,

green onion, bamboo shoots, bok choy, spinach, carrots, celery, cabbage, etc. are great choices (what’s of season is a great way to

know what to eat).

Herbal teas such as orange peel with ginger, bergamot with citron tea are great choices for this solar term 

Reminder: best to stay away from foods that are cold, raw, fried, and overly spicy. 

**Simple Cooking - Bamboo Shoot Porridge**


1~2 bamboo shoots

100g pork belly

3 shiitake mushrooms

1 stalk of celery 

1 cup white rice

1 tbsp shallots

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp white pepper

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp sesame oil


  • Remove the shells and rough parts of the bamboo shoots and cut them into strips. Put them in a soup pot and add water to boil the soup. After the water is boiled, turn off the heat and set aside.

  • Cut the shiitake mushrooms and pork belly into strips, and chop the celery into finely chopped pieces.

  • Saute the shallots in the pan and oil until golden brown

  • Stir pork belly (not for vegetarians) until oily, add shiitake mushrooms and fry until fragrant, then add bamboo shoot stock, white rice (raw rice or cooked rice can be used, raw rice can be cooked for a longer time) and soy sauce simmer Until the rice is mature, the rice is cooked for about 5-10 minutes

  • Add the fried shallot oil, minced celery, white pepper, salt and sesame oil to taste before starting the pan.


Liver Qi is on the rise during this time, and for some people, it may cause difficulty sleeping, even anxiety and

headaches, therefore, it is important to be able to maintain a calm and stable mood. Getting enough (good quality)

sleep, doing light exercises (ie. jogging, walking, yoga, etc), not overworking your body, and replenishing enough

water throughout the day are important things to consider and implement on a daily basis. In addition, you can

massage the Liver and Gallbladder meridians in the morning or afternoon, which can relieve emotions and helps

the body detoxify. 

Essential Oil Blend --  Foot ShaoYang Gallbladder Meridian Blend 

  • Lantana  (1 drop)

  • Greek sage (12 drops)

  • Red mandarin (12 drops)

  • Peppermint (5 drops)

  • Cold-pressed sesame oil (30ml)

  • Sea Buckthorn oil (1 drop)

How to use: 

  • Apply the blend to the two sides of your ribs, and push from top to bottom with your hands (use the web between your thumb and index finger). When you push the right side, lightly bend toward your left side, and vice versa.

  • Hold your hands into fists and tap/strike the Gallbladder Meridian along the edge of the thigh (starting from the hip area all the way towards the knee).

  • Can add the blend when taking a bath. It helps promote the movement of Qi and Blood. 

    • Note that it’s best to keep the bath between 15~30 minutes

    • stay warm and drink a cup of warm water after getting out from the bath. 


Once again I would like to thank Yu Wei Huang L.Ac for designing the character for Awakening of Insects (Jing Zhe) and providing all of the great suggestions for this time period. 

The essential oil blends are based off of the book "Four Seasons of Aromatherapy" by Elizabeth S.














竹筍  1~2支

五花肉  100克

香菇  3朵

芹菜  一支

白米  1杯

紅蔥頭  1大匙

醬油  1大匙

白胡椒粉  1小匙

鹽巴  1小匙

香油  2大匙

  • 竹筍去殼以及粗糙部分後切成條狀,放入湯鍋中加水煮湯,水滾後關火備用

  • 香菇和五花肉切成條狀,芹菜切成碎末備用

  • 紅蔥頭下鍋與油慢炒至金黃色備用

  • 將五花肉(素食者可不加)下鍋炒至出油,加入香菇炒香後,再加入竹筍高湯、 白米(可用生米或是熟米,用生米則烹煮時間較長)及醬油燉煮至米飯熟成, 熟米約5-10分鐘

  • 起鍋前加入炒好的紅蔥頭油、芹菜末、適量白胡椒粉、鹽巴以及香油調味即可


驚蟄時期由於肝氣旺盛,可能會出現睡眠不易、甚至焦慮易怒、頭痛等問題,因此維持心情 的平穩是很重要的喔!切記要保持充足的睡眠,平時多做些緩和運動,如慢跑、散步、 瑜珈等,不要太過勉強自己的身體,並補充足夠的水分。另外,大家可以在早晨或下午 多按摩肝經與膽經,可舒緩情緒又能排毒養生。



  • 馬櫻丹 (1 滴)

  • 希臘鼠尾草 (12 滴)

  • 紅橘 (12 滴)

  • 胡椒薄荷 (5 滴)

  • 冷壓芝麻油 (30ml)

  • 沙棘油  (1 滴)



  1. 塗抹精油配方於肋骨外側,用手由上往下推,左右兩邊分開進行,推右邊時身體向 左邊彎曲,反之亦然。

  2. 沿大腿邊緣敲打膽經。

  3. 將精油配方加入熱水中泡澡


膽經起於外眼角,上行到額角,下耳後,沿頸旁,行手少陽三焦經之前,至肩上退後,交出 手少陽三焦經之後,進入鎖骨上窩。支脈之一從耳後進入耳中,出走耳前,至外眼角後; 另一支脈從外眼角分出,下向大迎,會合手少陽三焦經至眼下,下邊蓋過下頜角,下行頸, 會合于鎖骨上窩。由此下向胸中,通過膈肌,絡肝,屬膽,沿肋脇裡,出于腹股溝動脈處, 繞陰部毛髮覆蓋處,橫向進入髖關節。

其經脈主幹從鎖骨上窩下向腋下,沿胸側,過季脇,向下會合于髖關節部。由此向下, 沿大腿外側,出膝外側,下向腓骨頭前,直下到腓骨下段,下出外踝之前,沿足背進入 第四趾外側。再有一支脈從足背分出,進入大趾趾縫間,沿第一、二跖骨間,出趾端, 回轉來通過趾甲,出于趾背毫毛部,接足厥陰肝經。

按摩膽經可調整肝膽經氣血循環、促進腸胃蠕動及幫助肝膽排毒,增強身體抵抗力。 還有使眼睛明亮、面部氣色紅潤等美容效果。孕婦、女性生理期間以及嬰幼兒不適合 按摩膽經。另外,再晚上及睡前不適合刺激膽經,避免上火或是失眠。




